I want to thank all of the members at
Activate Fitness for being Dedicated, Demanding, and Determined. Without all of you this place wouldn't exist. You are family! THANK YOU!
Sometimes you don't know what to write. This happened to me a few times this past year and I wrote this Blog Fog Stew and then this Blog Fog Stew 2. Being it's the last day of the year I wanted to get a blog post up because I enjoy writing a lot and enjoy when people read the posts. Sometimes I sound like an idiot or even an asshole but other times I give people tips and tricks, ideas, and increase their motivation. Check out the top 5 blog posts from Activate Fitness in 2012, what was accomplished, and other random Yada Yada B.S...
First things first. It's freaking cold as hell right now and where I live the wind is going to constantly blow like it's on a mission to destroy me by the end of the windy winter. It's actually working a little. You see, my dog takes FOREVER to do his duty and normally I don't mind- unless I have things I want to do or in this winter's case it's freaking cold. I get angry easy, actually very easy. I'm not going to lie or pretend I am some superior being that is la-di-da happy everyday and every minute. My dog taking his sweet old time when the wind is freezing my.... yeah... off- I get pissed! Poor pup takes the brunt of the anger from me saying things like "You dumb ass! Hurry the F up!" Patience is something I need to work on, but then again, who has patience when it's -10 degrees with the wind freezing your snot?
There's a lot of talk about taxes now that the year is over and some sort of fiscal hoopla going on. People talking about how their deductions are depressing and how it's F'd up that the money is being handed to people looking for free handouts. Okay- What happens when you get that monthly check for the rest of your life after 65 and get medical benefits covering 80% of ANY medical claim which only costs you about $155 a year after you turn 65 as well? Is paying into that out of your income the wrong thing to do? What happens when your cars shock pops right off because the town you live in failed to fill a 4 foot pothole in? Also.. what happens when terrorists threaten our country and some brave dudes making your tax deduction as their salary go and fight for you and me? Is it really depressing? You need to get over it super quick and get to work on kicking ass and making more money while increasing your financial intelligence so that one day you pay taxes like Mitt Romney. It's a game of Rich versus Poor. Are you quitting?
Going out and partying or to see the newest blockbuster or to meet friends at the diner is cool and all.. but I'd rather kick my feet up and read a book. Boring huh?
The only member of my family, extended family, friends, and co workers that are subscribed to my email list to keep up to date with what my business, Activate Fitness, is doing is my Mother in Law.
When you set a goal you can't just set it and wait for your dream to come true. That shit doesn't work. You need to take action, massive action, daily action, and more fear filled action then you ever have.
HackettstownLife.com is one crazy website. Most of my clients came from free ads I put on there but some people who post on that site are angry and depressed, mean and lazy. It's funny to read the people fighting over some stupid topic or complaining about another stupid topic when I have free time but in general I avoid that site. It's hazardous to your health.
Some people feel they are not meant to be fit or healthy, lean and strong, sexy and in shape. This is horrible stuff. Everyone is an athlete! We are born fit and strong. Some people just need a quick change of thought and push out the negative to make room for the positive. This shit is simple. May not be easy but it's worth it. Laziness is the devil. Better to admit it then to deny.
One member of Activate Fitness recently said this on Activate Fitness Facebook Fan Page in the "recommendation" field:
"Activate Fitness rocks! I have been a client since August & have never received results like this before when I worked out at your typical chain-type gym. Classes are challenging (they're supposed to be!!!), fun & addicting! Never in a million years did I ever picture myself being someone who works out 4 times a week. :) And Mike truly cares about the success of his clients. He's not just a "Class Instructor clock puncher". From workout inquiries to diet questions Mike always makes himself available. Prior to signing up I despised "group" classes...I had major anxiety about worrying about how out of shape I was & how silly I'd look if I couldn't get through the class without falling to the ground gasping for air. I can honestly say that from my first class at Activate I never felt like that. Members of AF are each others biggest fans. There are no egos here at all. If you've been thinking about doing something for awhile now give Mike a call." Jessica D Hackettstown, NJ

I posted this pic on my facebook page and it caused quite a stir with a few women I know that were pregnant at the time! Next time I will avoid the argument for the sake of the people who were wrong. Just because I was right doesn't mean I needed to defend the picture haha! It's funny what hormones do to you huh?
This past year I stumbled across Zig Ziglar. I never heard of him before and I listened to one of his audiobooks. It changed my life and it was sad to hear he passed in 2012. RIP Zig Ziglar
During Hurricane Sandy we lost 4 big trees and a few smaller ones. I still haven't cleaned up all of the mess.

Our family lost a loved one way too young. RIP Bobby!
This was one of the best movies I watched all year:

My Top 5 Most Read Blog Posts of 2012:
1. North of Vag
2. Is Fat The Future?
3. Weightlifting and Women. Why Big Muscles are a Myth.
4. Hackettstown Fitness Trainer Changes A Life!
5. The Garage Gym Experience.
Project Resolution Boot Camp kicked off early this morning with a bang! This 12 week program is a great way to kick off 2013 and start a successful journey through the diet and exercise world! I am proud of all the action takers, the people who took the steps to get into the program and who are dedicated to succeeding during these 12 amazing weeks!
Some things I accomplished in 2012:
I read over 45 hardcover and paperback books...
..Read about 20 eBooks.
...Listened to over 20 audiobooks and Seminar programs.
I became a Certified Underground Strength Coach!

Activate Fitness went from 1 client who trained for free in her living room to 6 people on a driveway to training numerous people out of NJ Core MMA's gym where I have classes for kids as young as 8 and classes for people that range anywhere from 15 to over 50.
The driveway isn't finished yet either! I still train there. I love it and it's open to anyone who wants to get hardcore serious with some tough ass strength and conditioning workouts- even powerlifting! I could use a dedicated training partner!
I successfully created a new life in the form of my beautiful daughter and became a first time Father.

I wrote a few blog posts for the Long Valley Patch.
My deadlift increased by 100 pounds and my bench press increased by 50 pounds. My squat sucks, it only increased about 50 pounds. More hip mobility and flexibility work is needed in 2013 and the focus is on the squat and increasing it by 100 pounds.
Pull-ups went from 5 at a clip to 12.
At one point I deadlifted everyday for 36 straight days because it felt right. Read about it here: For The Past 36 Days I Deadlifted Everyday. I tried to go 40 but got hit with the bug that everyone in the gym got hit with.
It was awesome to do a Strongman Contest in the beginning of the year. I was humbled greatly by the experience and it drove me to work extra hard. Here's a pic:

Well I am going to leave you guys with that. There are some HUGE things planned for Activate Fitness in 2013 so make sure you fill out that form with your name and email to stay up to date on what's going on. Hackettstown is going to be taken for a huge ride as Activate Fitness will get more involved with the community and bring out the best in people everywhere! It is our one BIG TIME goal for 2013 to help Hackettstown and the surrounding towns lose over 1000 pounds! Whether it's training in the gym on Main Street, the home headquarter Garage Gym, or even by helping someone with a tip or two via email or the facebook page! If you haven't yet...
Please go to www.facebook.com/ActivateFit and LIKE the page! You can even look over here ----> somewhere and LIKE it right up there..
So I hope you enjoyed the stew and please have a SAFE and Happy New Year!